Two Ghosts


We are all lost children searching for our true selves. None of us should judge how another may be led to start that journey.

A Free Mind

Non material but yet very much real. Lurking within the chambers and casting splendid tangled shadows. You see the ghost of my past; it’s tied to the ghost of my future. The ghost of my present is caught between the two. They’re continually shifting, like tectonic plates, pushing, grinding, burning hot from the friction. Partially blinded, no wholly blinded to their own agenda. The seduction is slowly grinding me away.

I labor to breathe as the heat and constriction is so immense. The inferno engulfs my third eye completely, obscuring my vision. Slowly my essence is beginning to liquefy and flow with no dykes to contain and to guide them. What is and was me are now flowing into oblivion.

My conscience comes alive as my body finds some semblance of my former control. Rising with a start like a familiar biblical tale, my body trembles with uncertainty. At last…

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